As a Profinet Competence Center, we offer the highest level of technical expertise.
As PROFINET experts who are instrumental in developing the test system for certification, we offer you the integration of the leading Industrial Ethernet standard into your device.
aia automations institut is a PROFINET Competence Center that offers a wide range of services for both manufacturers and end users. aia operates an extensive test bench with a large number of manufacturer-independent devices. The Competence Center contributes to the software development of the automated PROFINET test system used for certification testing.
Our services range from consulting manufacturers and end users through to the implementation of PROFINET IO in their field devices. We offer tailor-made solutions from software development through to the development of functional prototypes. Regular workshops with a focus upon certification and testing complement our service portfolio.
Abbildung: PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V.
Embedded Test System for Profinet
As a Profinet specialist, we offer support with certification tests. To get you started, there is a video that describes the test setup. We can also help with the procurement of the required components. To do this, please contact us.